Photo of Honys Torres Venezuela

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Tel: +52 281 4413837 +52 414 5476772, born in Caracas on June 30, 1969, studied Computer Science at the University Institute Nueva Esparta, Law at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and a post-graduate Organizational Development at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, during her University ventures into the paint, watercolors and gouaches first, then in charcoal and crayon drawings, it is not until...

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23.62 x 35.43 in
35.43 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 35.43 in
35.43 x 23.62 in

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Photo of Honys Torres Venezuela

Tel: +52 281 4413837 +52 414 5476772, born in Caracas on June 30, 1969, studied Computer Science at the University Institute Nueva Esparta, Law at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and a post-graduate Organizational Development at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, during her University ventures into the paint, watercolors and gouaches first, then in charcoal and crayon drawings, it is not until the year two thousand and two when living in Germany inspired by the museums, galleries and artistic expressions of the street when he decided to devote full time to painting, new materials and pigments invade his work and begins to generate expressions framed in decorative art, where they take pieces of furniture that are brought to life by colorful designs abstract, also made many pictures that are out of their format and invade hanging walls. On his return to Venezuela in 2006, residence in Puerto Píritu Anzoátegui State, where he is surrounded by large stones scattered on his property, then imagine the transformation of these and start designing a garden for art, some of this garden is on display in Port Street Zaraza Píritu, where stones and logs, take human life with colorful expressions. Today his work has incorporated gender and Neo Pop Art works produced in 3D.



XXXV Aragua National Exhibition of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Maracay Mario Abbreu

XXX National Painting December 7, Matthew Manaure Museum.

XXX Ateneo Art gallery Carupano

X Bienal de Arte Popular Salvador Valero

Venezuelan Art Exhibition, Trowbrige, Wiltshire UK

Barcelona Art Network \\\"Women, Art and Nature\\\"

Píritu Public Library

Oil Paintings Gallery \\\"Tribute to the Virgen del Valle\\\"

VI Fair Virgen del Valle, Demus Dimitrus Museum.


V Bienal de Maracaibo, Maracaibo Centro de Bellas Artes

34 Aragua National Art Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art in Maracay Mario Abreu

Ateneo de Puerto Píritu \\\"Muses of Art\\\"

Demus Dimitrus Museum, V Feria de la Virgen del Valle

Mayoralty Puerto Píritu Peñalver, Anzoátegui \\\"Just Art\\\"

Barcelona Art Network \\\"recreation\\\"

Clarines Historical Museum \\\"Artists of the East\\\"

Durban Gallery Segnini, XI Contest \\\"Natural Area\\\" Faber Castell



VII Guanta Art Exhibition

Demus Dimitrus Museum, Exhibition of Art IV Feria de la Virgen del Valle

Plastic Exhibition Salve Marinera Virgen! Regulus showroom Martínez Central Public Library \\\"Themistocles Julian Maza\\\" Barcelona


2010 Honorable Mention Painting Salon XXX Atenoe of Carupano

2009 3 ° Place Contest XI Faber Castell \\\"Natural Area\\\" Venezuela

2008 Honorable Mention Contest Faber Castell X \\\"Essence\\\" Venezuela

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